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New Safer Sex Options

We’ve updated our safer sex options on ROMEO. We expanded them to include PrEP, TasP and condom use. The full list is below, and we’ve provided explanations of what we mean by each term, for the sake of clarity.

Related: The ROMEO Guide to Safer Sex

The New Options


You practice safer sex, but you prefer not to say publicly how you do it.


You are using condoms.


You are using PrEP.


You are using PrEP, but you are flexible and use condoms when your sex partner requests.


You are HIV positive, under treatment and undetectable.

“Let’s talk”

You prefer not to say anything in your profile and talk with your sex partner.

“No entry”

Your profile will not show safer sex options in your profile at all.

Your FeedBack is Welcome

We hadn’t updated our safer sex options in a while. We value your input. If you have something to share, please send an email to

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